Call or text : 0450 899 246
1000L $550
Link:septic tank 1000L Solve the problem of no sewage pipes large tank cess – The Best Value pty ltd
pickup from 11 quinlan road epping VIC 3076 OR 17 mile rocks QLD 4073
1500L $660
Link:septic tank 1500L Solve the problem of no sewage pipes large tank cess – The Best Value pty ltd
pickup from 11 quinlan road epping VIC 3076 OR 17 mile rocks QLD 4073
2000L $1100
LinkLseptic tank 2000L Solve the problem of no sewage pipes large tank cess – The Best Value pty ltd
pickup from only 17 mile rocks QLD 4073
Cash or Transfer or Online
Name:the best value pty ltd
BSB:063 182
ACC:1159 1154
For shipping costs, we recommend you can pickup by yourself
The distance of each person is different, we can not determine your freight, you can send your address to us by SMS or email, thank you!
septic tank 1000L/1500L/2000L Solve the problem of no sewage pipes large tank cesspit tank